
Homework no. 8

Daily Dispatch to .tsv

After the same imports as last week, we define a little function that strips off .xml tags from any string we pass to it. Then we loop over every file. We split at the markers for articles <div3 type= and then take the first of these items, and split it at <date value\=\". The next ten letters which come after this are the date we are interested in, and so we save it to the variable date. Then we loop over the individual articles, splitting of the first tiny bit, which was left from the <div3-tag, and keeping it, as it denotes the article type. In a similar fashion we get the content of the head and the article, to which we apply the remove_xml-function.

Then all variables of interest are appended to a dictionary we defined earlier. When the loop has concluded, we convert the dictionary to a dataframe, check whether everything looks nice, and then save it of as a tab-seperated file.

def remove_xml(x):
    return re.sub('<[^>]*>', '', x)

directory = 'richmond'
results = {}
count = 0

for filename in tqdm_notebook(os.listdir(directory)):
    if filename.endswith(".xml"): 
        with open(os.path.join(directory, filename), 'r',encoding='utf8') as f:
            article_data = []
            article_list = re.split('<div3 type=',
            date = re.split('<date value\=\"',article_list[0])[1][0:10]

            for a in article_list[1:]:
                article_type = re.split('\"',a)[1]
                article_header = remove_xml('<' +re.split('<\/head>',a)[0]).replace('\n','%%%%%')
                article = remove_xml(re.split('<\/div3>',a)[0]).replace('\n','%%%%%')
                results[count] = [date, article_type, article_header,article]
                count += 1
results_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results, orient='index', columns=['date', 'article_type', 'article_header','article'] )
results_df.to_csv('results.tsv', sep='\t',escapechar ='\\')

